Prohibited Items:
The following items (or any item similar in description or content) can not be carried on any service.
Any person sending such an item may be subject to their ordering being cancelled without notice:
Apply Filter
- {{prohibItem.Description}} {{prohibItem.AdditionalInfo}} ({{courier.CourierName}}{{$last ? '' : ', '}})
Special Provisions:
- {{specialProvItem.Description}} - maximum parcel compensation value for damages is {{specialProvItem.DamagesCompensation | currency:'$'}}, up to {{specialProvItem.LostItemCompensation | currency:'$'}} compensation for lost items. {{specialProvItem.AdditionalInfo}}
No Compensation items:
The following items (or any item similar in description or content) can only be carried on a no compensation basis on any service.
Any person sending such an item does so at their own risk:
- {{noCompItem.Description}} {{noCompItem.AdditionalInfo}}
Items requiring more information:
The following items (or any item similar in description or content) can only be carried if the description is altered by the customer prior to completing their order.
Any person sending such an item may be subject to their ordering being cancelled without notice and does so at their own risk potentially negating any parcel compensation:
Please note, we are more than happy to carry the following items- we just need a clearer description (assumes the clearer description is not an item in the no compensation or prohibited list of course).
- {{moreInfoItem.Description}}